Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Michael Harrell Database Blog

Database-a comprehensive collection of related data organized for convenient access, generally in a computer.
You use a database when you want to have a large collection of information that you don’t want to write out. Such as the human genome which contains billions of characteristics and traits you could store all of that onto a computer. You may want to use one when storing information for charts or graphs, or even investments. You may encounter databases on the internet and at work. Databases, just like excel spreadsheets, are used everywhere everyday. They are used very often and are very consistent with organization. They are easy to use and not too hard to put together. A database is different from a spreadsheet because it is mainly made to store information unlike the spreadsheet which is used to store numbers and calculate interest, and loans, and such. But a database is more handy in storing just about anything and can be accessed by almost anyone and its not very hard to use. Although both the spreadsheet and the database are useful tools and both used in everyday life, I believe that the excel spreadsheet is much more useful and much easier to operate.

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