Friday, March 5, 2010

My product

How my product helps others
Michael Harrell
“HUBB” helps many young teens to live without the fear of being bullied. Our business will go school to school with role models for young teens and talk about bullying and its terrible effects. Over 50% of all people in this world have admitted to being bullied at one time and it is not a good thing. Our goal is to help bring down that percentile and to help the children of the world. From personal experience I know that there are certain people I listen to better than others and someone I really listen to are my role models. Mainly athletes involved in the sports I play. It is our duty to find these role models and ask them to join us in our mission of stopping bullying and making the world a better and less fearful place. Students can go to school daily now without having to worry about losing their lunch money, or being called names. It would be a wonderful world and with these role models such as representatives from the University of Texas we can make it a better world. That is how “HUBB” will help the world and the people In it.

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